Adventure Challenges
To encourage SSS'rs to try new things, locations, actions, whatever. You can complete these any time in the 2016 season. Post Pics in "SSS Challenges 2016" HipChat room as proof
  1. Take a selfie hugging a snow gun tower/mat
  2. North/South in a day. Take a pic at the top of the Mt P triple chair and a pic at the top of Summit chair on the same day

  3. Four resorts in a day. By badge or 4 pics here

  4. Post a photo from the kickercam under midstation

  5. Find an official Perisher Photographer and have your photo taken. Post a copy of the pic from your dashboard here

Explorer Challenges
Challenges to get you moving around and finding new places.  You can complete these any time in the 2016 season. Post Pics in "SSS Challenges 2016" HipChat room as proof
  1. Take a selfie at the top of the V8
  2. Have your travel buddy take a pic of you holding up the giant metal ball on the road between Cooma and Berridale. https://www.flickr.com/photos/87791108@N00/6388181699

  3. Take a selfie with at least 1 other SSS'r in front of pretty valley cafe

  4. Take a pic with at least 1 other SSS'r at the top of the Scott J-bar at Smiggins

  5. Post here a Selfie at the bottom of the Guthega double chair

Puzzle-Solver Challenges
These are all cryptic puzzles. You can complete these any time in the 2016 season. Please email all answers to urwotu8@gmail.com ,   (Do NOT hipchat them !!)
  1. The answer is at transport cylinder under Max, what did you hold a rope tow with back in ye-olden-times ? 
  2. If my name was John Lee Pettimore, in what valley would i complete my run?
  3. If you were fined 325 penalty units, what would you be doing? (Don't even think about trying it.)
  4. If you are standing at bluecow bar, how many horses can you count around you (bottles not included)?

  5. If you were following this sign, where would you be going ?

Social Challenges
Some challenges to encourage connection with your SSS buddies.  You can complete these any time in the 2016 season. Post Pics in "SSS Challenges 2016" HipChat room as proof
  1. Post a pic of yourself with at least 1 other SSS'r and a musical instrument
  2. Post a pic of yourself with at least 1 other SSS'r and a half-price hot chocolate at Mid-Station. Your pic must include something showing the current time to prove you made it in the half price window
  3. Take a pic with at least one SSS'r at a tall table in Bazils Bar
  4. Take a pic with at least one SSS'r at a fireplace

  5. Take a pic of yourself with the Bluecow mascot image and at least 1 other SSS'r


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